
  • Penthai Thewin +66 837603738
  • Ammaraporn Surakarn
  • Thasuk Janprasert
  • Narumol Prayai


LGBT, counselling, Grounded Theory


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) psychology has been studied and has evolved significantly since 1980. However, counselling competencies for LGBT individuals are still very much in discussion as to the different methods optimal to support LGBT individuals.  The purpose of this study was to explore counselling competencies perceived to be supportive and effective for LGBT clients by interviewing counselling professionals in Thailand who are actively involved with LGBT clients. Qualitative research was done using a Grounded Theory method as the technique to collect rich data over a ten-month period by intensive interviews. Using purposive and snowballing sampling techniques, twelve participants who work as professional counsellors with LGBT organizations in Pattaya, Chiangmai and Bangkok, were selected. The results analyzed from participants’ experiences show that ability, awareness, advocacy and self-development are four main categories of competency utilized for effective counselling in Thailand.


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How to Cite

Thewin, P., Surakarn, A., Janprasert, T., & Prayai, N. (2019). EXPERIENCE OF COUNSELLORS WORKING WITH LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER CLIENTS IN THAILAND: A GROUNDED THEORY METHOD. Life Sciences and Environment Journal, 20(2), 380–393. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/psru/article/view/201221



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