
  • Siwat Kamonkuananon Uttaradit Rajabhat University


safety programs, safety in construction, safety management


The two objectives of this research are 1) to study the characteristics of safety programs selection in medium and small construction projects, and 2) to find factors influencing safety programs selection in the erspective of public and private personnel. The research was conducted by selecting 15 safety programs according to the Regulations of the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare and then considering three factors, i.e., responsible persons, duration, and expenses, through interviews with construction personnel in Uttaradit, Phrae, and Nan provinces.    According to the study of the characteristics of safety programs, it was found that 1) job hazard analysis used the lowest amount of responsible persons, 2) the shortest period was spent on first aid programs while the longest period was spent on job hazard analysis, 3) the smallest amount of expenses were spent on safety committees while the largest amount of expenses were spent on safe work procedures. For selecting safety programs, under the public sector’s perspective, they selected the first five activities; 1) personnel protective equipment, 2) safety orientation, 3) toolbox meeting, 4) safety promotion, and 5) emergency planning. From the perspective of the private sector, they selected 1) personnel protective equipment, 2) safety rules, 3) safe work procedures, 4) safety orientation, and 5) safety policy. When comparing factors influencing the selection of safety programs, the public sector had a perspective towards preventive program selection while the private sector had the perspective towards factors of expenses, convenience on program arrangements, and sectoral image.  


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How to Cite

Kamonkuananon, S. (2019). A STUDY ON CHARACTERISTICS AND SAFETY PROGRAM SELECTION IN MEDIUM AND SMALL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS. Life Sciences and Environment Journal, 20(2), 256–267. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/psru/article/view/178527



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