Implementing the Sister City Policy: Perspectives from Thailand

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Lapyote Prasittisopin
Putikan Kitkuakul
Kasemsarn Chotchakornpant
Napong Tao Rugkhapan


Many national governments have adopted the Sister City collaboration model as a strategy for regional urban development, aiming to promote international collaboration and enhance urban growth at the provincial level. However, in countries with decentralized governance, the effectiveness of this model is often compromised, often resulting in limited outcomes and impacts. Drawing upon cases in Thailand, this study investigates the implementation dynamics and obstacles faced by provincial administrations and suggests practical remedies. Employing a qualitative methodology, the study analyzes a dataset of literature reviews, content analyses, surveys, and in-depth interviews. According to our research, there are 90 sister city agreements from 38 provinces, with 47 ongoing partnerships across 21 provinces. Findings indicate that challenges stem from a lack of cohesion among involved parties, manifesting in inadequate regulations; vague planning; inappropriate alliances; frequent leadership turnovers; resistance to change; resource constraints; and absent evaluation mechanisms. Implementing the model necessitates enhanced coordination among various governmental tiers–central, provincial, and local–beyond current levels. In conclusion, to enhance collaborative efficacy, the study advocates for the initiation of systematic evaluation, adjustment, and harmonization across all participating organizations.

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Prasittisopin, L. ., Kitkuakul, P. ., Chotchakornpant, K. ., & Rugkhapan, N. T. (2024). Implementing the Sister City Policy: Perspectives from Thailand. Nakhara : Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 23(2), Article 413.
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