Barriers to a Low Carbon Society in an Academic Community: A Quasi-experimental Study at Rajamangla University of Technology, Thailand

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Chantamon Potipituk
Ariva Sugandi Permana
Erianto Er


As an exceedingly knowledgeable community that lacks commitment and support, the leaders of the university have attempted to promote a green society by various means, i.e. multimedia infographics and workshops. A study was conducted of the barriers to implementing a low carbon society among the students as well as the academic and administrative staff at Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, Salaya Thailand. This was done with a quasi-experimental study to understand the potential barriers implementing a low carbon society in an academic setting. A quasi-experiment was done due to resource constraints. The information required by this study was gained through a structured questionnaire. Some design variables were tested in the sample of 200 of the 400 eligible participants. No randomization was done as the attributes of the participants were similar. We used a t-test and ANOVA analysis to test our hypothesis. A Weighted Average Index (WAI) was employed to evaluate the barriers that likely affect the implementation of a low carbon society. It was found that a majority of the participants were women, accounting for 56.50% of the population while males were 43.50%. Members of the academic community exhibited no significant differences in their contributions to the university’s inability to implement a low carbon society with a level of significance of 0.05. The participants perceived that an effective low carbon society would be accomplished if it was practiced from childhood as part of their learning process. In this way, it would become a mainstream practice as part of a school curriculum with the goal of instilling good citizenship in the students. Strong support from the university’s top management will make low carbon society practices habitual in our academic community. 

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How to Cite
Potipituk, C., Permana, A. S., & Er, E. (2017). Barriers to a Low Carbon Society in an Academic Community: A Quasi-experimental Study at Rajamangla University of Technology, Thailand. Nakhara : Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 13, 1–12. retrieved from
Review Articles
Author Biographies

Chantamon Potipituk, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, Thailand

Chantamon Potipituk is the instructor at Department of Architectural Technology, Faculty of Architecture and
Design, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin (RMUTR). She is also the consultant in visual
impact assessment for the Environmental Impact Assessment Projects. Chantamon completed her Ph.D. in
the field of Urban Environmental Management at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, with dissertation
about urban planning, residential building, environmental management measures and informal sectors.
She also hold a Master of Architecture from Silapakorn University, Thailand. Her research interests lies in
the area of urban planning, urban environmental planning and management, climate change adaptation
through urban planning, built environment, sustainable design and sustainable development.

Ariva Sugandi Permana, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Ariva Sugandi Permana, PhD. received his Ph.D. in Urban Planning and Environment Management from
Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and
Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. His research interest includes
sustainable cities, sustainable urban development, environmental planning and design, climate change, and
land use – transport – energy – environment nexus. He has published more than 40 journal articles, book
chapters, research books and conference proceedings.

Erianto Er, Faculty of Forestry, Tanjungpura University, Indonesia

Erianto, Ir. MSc holds master degree in Environmental Conservation from Gadjahmada University, Indonesia
and bachelor degree (BEng, Ir) in Forestry Engineering from same university. He is currently Senior Lecturer
and Deputy Dean of Student Affairs at the Faculty of Forestry, Tanjungpura University Indonesia. His research
interest is focused on environmental conservation.


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