Diversity of Fish in the upper Ngao River, Lampang Province


  • Seksan Uppaphong Department of Fisheries Technology and Innovation, School of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Phayao, Phayao, 56000


Fish species diversity, The upper Ngao River, Lampang Province


This study aims to survey the biodiversity of fish in the upper Ngao River, located in Lampang Province, from January to September 2020. Sampling was conducted at four stations, revealing a total of 14 families 28 genera and 33 species of fish. The Cyprinidae family comprises 15 species, representing 45% of the total fish population. According to the IUCN conservation status, the Clarias batrachus and Rhinogobius chiengmaiensis are classified as Vulnerable (VU) due to being close to extinction. Additionally, two alien species, Cyprinus carpio and Oreochromis niloticus have been identified in the natural water sources, possibly introduced through human activities in the Mae Ngao River near Khun Khi Ri village. In terms of the diversity index value, it was found that Ban Khuan Khiri (Station 2). has the highest value, followed by Ban Sop Pon (Station 4), Ban Khoi (Station 3), and Mae Yuak stream (Station 1), with values of 2.81, 2.52, 2.49, and 2.10 respectively. The biodiversity index has a value between 1-3, indicating that the water source is still suitable for living things. Therefore, at every station that has surveyed the diversity of fish species in the upper Ngao River, Ngao District, Lampang Province, the water source conditions are suitable for growth.


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