Development of a Scientific tool Management System Through Notifications on the LINE Application. Division of Microbiology School of Medical Sciences, University of Phayao
Scientific tools, LINE application notifications, G Suite for Education programAbstract
The primary objective of this research was to develop a scientific instrument management system by applying G Suite for Education alongside a Line application-based notification system to enhance convenience and speed in requesting and tracking scientific instruments. The developed system was compared with traditional methods of requesting instruments and evaluated for user satisfaction, which included 95 participants comprising academic staff, support personnel, and microbiology students. The findings revealed that the new system significantly improved the speed at which students could request scientific instruments, reduced the workload for staff, and provided convenient access to the system via mobile devices. Users rated their satisfaction with the system at the highest level (4.81±0.19), and the system’s overall efficiency was also rated at the highest level (4.64±0.40). The impact of this research is highly significant in improving the management process of scientific instruments. The developed system reduces time and labor, simplifies the process of tracking instrument usage, and modernizes data management in university institutions. Moreover, the system can be expanded to manage other scientific instruments or educational resources, thereby raising the standard of management in an era where technology plays a crucial role.
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