Analyzing Frequency and Burned Area Extraction implement of Google Earth Engine Platform


  • Phummipat Oonban Geoinformatics Program, Computer Science and Information Technology Faculty, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University, Chanthaburi, 22000
  • Kampanat Deeudomchan Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA), 120 Chaloem Phrakiat Government Center, Lak Si District, Bangkok 10210


Burned area, Google earth engine, Frequency distribution


The objective of this study was analyzed and generated burned areas mapping by using SENTINEL-2 satellite imagery over seventeen provinces in the Northern Thailand. The two indices were used for conducting to calculate with the Google Earth Engine platform. It consisted of the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) which can be extracted the frequency distribution of burned areas. The results found that both indices effectively distinguished between burned and non-burned areas. The establishment threshold values to extract burned areas used the statistical analysis to set threshold values with the maximum and minimum values couple with the one standard deviation range. The results were consistent with burned areas derived from visual analysis (False color composite; FCC) and were also in agreement with reference data, with an overall accuracy and kappa coefficient of 66.80 and 33.59 percent, respectively. In addition, validation with the index value obtained from the Satellite image time series and false color composite can be applied to study the pattern of burning in the area to inform about the timeframe and duration of a burn.


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