Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment of Employee of School of Information and Communication Technology, University of Phayao
Commitment, Organizational, EmployeeAbstract
The study aimed to investigate factors influencing the organizational commitment of service-oriented employees in the School of Information Technology and Communication, University of Phayao. The objectives were to study the level of organizational commitment and identify the factors affecting it. The target group consisted of service-oriented employees in the School of Information Technology and Communication, University of Phayao. The study employed a questionnaire as its research instrument and utilized data analysis methods such as percentages, means, and standard deviations.
The study found that high levels of organizational commitment were observed in the following areas: management, organization, job characteristics, and co-workers. Moderate levels of organizational commitment were found in terms of compensation and factors affecting the organizational commitment of service-oriented employees. The identified factors were as follows: Gender: Male employees exhibited higher organizational commitment compared to female employees. Age: Employees within the age range of 41-50 displayed greater organizational commitment than those aged between 30-40. Length of Service: The ranking of organizational commitment based on years of service indicated that the highest commitment was observed in the 3-5 years range, followed by over 10 years, and then 6-10 years. The study's findings were applied to the development of a service-oriented employee development plan for the fiscal year 2024. This plan encompasses promoting training, evaluating job positions, and creating a work practice guide for service-oriented employees to prepare for advanced specialized positions in the future.
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