Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imageries for Evaluating Green Spaces and Tree Canopy Coverages within University of Phayao
Green Space Mapping, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery, Tree Canopy Coverage EvaluationAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate green spaces and tree canopy coverages using unmanned aerial vehicle imagery around school of information and communication technology within University of Phayao. After taking photographs using DJI Phantom 4 Pro v2.0 with color RGB camera, multiple images were processed and mosaiced together by DroneDeploy. Map layers of green spaces and tree canopies were created using digitizing on-screen and visual interpretation. Later, ratio of green spaces per capita was calculated based on data from geographic information system. The result showed that there was 61.41% green space in the total study area (or 23.89 m2 per capita). The result showed also that the tree canopy coverage evaluation was possible and utilized as support data for green spaces management.
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