Applying for Image Comparison with the Cumulative Frequency of The Pixel Color Scale


  • Witthaya Boonsuk 3Dept. of information Technology, Faculty of Management Sciences and Information Technology , Nakhon Phanom University,
  • Jim Yernnan Dept. of information Technology, Faculty of Management Sciences and Information Technology, Nakhon Phanom University, Nakhon Phanom Province 48000
  • Yodrak Saisin Dept. of information Technology, Faculty of Management Sciences and Information Technology, Nakhon Phanom University, Nakhon Phanom Province 48000


Cumulative Frequency, Image Processing, Color Scale, Digital Image, Application Software


Objectives of this study To develop a prototype program to compare the similarity of images. Methods for studying and designing and developing a program to compare the similarity of images. which can be applied to work systems that require general photo inspection It uses the principle of detecting the intensity of the color level in each pixel and the cumulative frequency of the color level in each range.

The results also measure the efficiency of the image processing system. newly developed algorithm Out of a group of 30 sample images, on the Pixels 8,000 to 10,000 equivalence scale, 63.33% is considered high. Medium and on the parity scale of Pixels 6,000 to 7,000 there is 13.33%. The level of similarity is fair.

In summary, the image comparison performance at the 8,000 to 10,000 pixel level is quite accurate and suitable for application in image comparison processing applications. But the developed system should be tested and compared with the system or related research to determine the accuracy of the developed system and can be used. applied to further improve the quality


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