Physical Planning and Its Public Participation in Thailand


  • Boonsiri Sukpromsun Geographic Information Science and Research Unit of Spatial Innovation Development (RUSID) School of Information and Communication Technology, University of Phayao, Phayao, 56000


Physical Planning, Public Participation


Physical planning or town planning is a serious attempt to determine the direction of development and control the areas to achieve the development goals. Physical planning is the implementation of policies or guidelines for economic, social, cultural, and environmental at the community, town, region, and country level. In terms of physical planning under the Town Planning Act B.E. 2562 (2019), Section 8, the town plans have been divided into 2 types: 1) area-use policy plans and 2) land use plans. The area-use policy plans are classified into three levels as follows: the national policy plan, regional policy plans, and province policy plans. Land use plans are classified into two types as follows: unitary town plans and specific town plans. In addition, public hearing, consultation and participation are required for formulation and preparation of the town plan. However, from past operations, it was found that the public participation has been low level because people still lack of knowledge and understanding in the process of the town plan. In order for people to involve in, it is necessary to create more knowledge, understanding and publicity of town plan information. Thus, effective and successful both area-use policy plans and land use plans shall desire cooperation, consultation, and participation from several agencies and organizations including the public sector, private sector, and local government organization in sharing information, seeking alternatives, and making the decision to contribute the benefit for all parties.


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