Tai Lue Journey and their Settlements: A Case Study of Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province


  • kanokporn chailungka UNIVERSITY OF PHAYAO
  • Boonsiri Sukpromsun สาขาภูมิสารสนเทศศาสตร์ คณะเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและการสื่อสาร มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา จังหวัดพะเยา 56000


Journey / Settlements / Tai Lue


The study of Tai Lue journey and their settlement in Chiang Kham District, Phayao Provice consists of 3 objectives. First, to explore the migration routes of Tai Lue. Second, to analyze the settlement patterns and distribution of Tai Lue. Third, to identify the push and pull factors affecting Tai Lue’s settlement. This study conducted qualitative research approach secondary data such as relevant via / historical documents / researches and field surveys in Tai Lue Village in the study area. In addition, the in-depth interviews and questionnaires were ministered. The key informants were 60 Tai Lue with aged 60 years and over.

The results showed that the original settlement of Tai Lue was in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, People's Democratic Republic of China. Later, Tai Lue had migrated to various cities of northern Thailand due to the war. The Tai Lue people were herded to the northern provinces by the prince of Nan. The Tai Lue communities usually settle on the river basins and the valley plains. The migration route of the Tai Lue consisted of 4 routes: the first moved into Myanmar, the second migrated to Vietnam, the third shifted into Laos and the fourth emigrate to Thailand. As for the settlement patterns of Tai Lue in Chiang Kham, Phayao, there were 2 patterns found: 1) Linear Village included Tambon Chiang Ban, Tambon Yuan, Tambon Fai Kwang, Tambon Mae Lao and 2) Cluster Village contained Tambon Wiang, Tambon Nam Van, Tambon Chedi Kham. The push and pull factors affecting Tai Lue’s settlement divided into 4 factors: physical factors, social and cultural factors, political and administrative factors and economic factors. Based on the questionnaires and in-depth interview, it showed that the most important of push factors was the wake of wars for 93.33 percent, followed by political aggression and shortage of arable land were 88.33 percent, and lack of resources was 86.67 percent, respectively. In terms of pull factors, the greatest factor was the availability of resources for 98.33 percent, followed by social and cultural factors of having a better way of life was 95.00 percent, and the stable social status was 86.67 percent, respectively.


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