Survey and Preparation of a Geospatial Database of Riparian Vegetation in Huai Mae Ka Luang, Muang district, Phayao province


  • Thammarat Thamma University of Phayao
  • Warissara Nontasattanant Educational Division, Mueng Phayao Municipality Office, Phayao Province
  • Rangsan Ket-ord Geographic Information Science, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, University of Phayao, Phayao 56000


Geospatial Database, Riparian Vegetation, Huai Mae Ka Luang


The survey of riparian vegetation in Huai Mae Ka Luang, the most dense and found in this area were Chamchuri, followed by Fig, Sai and Hemp, respectively. On average, every 200 m distance along the river, at least one sapling is found, followed by hemp, fig, and banyan, which on average are found every 429, 751 and 1,000 m respectively. The environment of the area also determines the density and distribution of vegetation along the riverbank, ie, the area is sparse. Wastelands and grasslands will find plants along the rivers scattered partially to densely. Whereas the communal areas include dormitories, residences, shops, restaurants, as well as agricultural and vacant areas waiting to be utilized, where the land has been reconditioned and filled. Will find plants along the river sparse or may not be found at all.


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