CFD Simulation of Airfoil Shape Blade for Mixing in Tank for Mixing Fluid

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Werayoot Lahamornchaiyakul


The main point of this paper is to design the airfoils that could increase the overall efficiency of the agitation turbine blade and simulation of the flow field inside the mixing tank for stirring the water mixture and orange juice. After that, perform an analysis to find the right time and efficiency in the mix using agitated leaves type airfoil shape. After evaluating the performance of the mixing tank using 20, 25, and 30-degree angles of the agitating blade for orange juice processing. In numerical simulations of the agitating blade at 20, 25, and 30-degree angle is tested in the range operator is 100-380 rpm. It is found from numerical results that mixing is enhanced when the rotating speed increases. Orange water can be mixing with water by 30 % at operating 350 rpm of a motor using 25-degree angle of the airfoil blade for agitating by using time is 12 second and orange water can be mixing with water by 50-60 % at a 20, and 30-degree angle, respectively. Besides, swirling mixing fluid by 25-degree angle is higher when compare using 20, and 30-degree angle.  

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How to Cite
Lahamornchaiyakul, W. (2022). CFD Simulation of Airfoil Shape Blade for Mixing in Tank for Mixing Fluid. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 20(1), 1–12. retrieved from
Research Articles


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