Design and Development of Bamboo Furniture Sofa Set Product Using House of Quality Technique


  • Surasit Rawangwong Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
  • Julaluk Rodjananugoon Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
  • Apichon Thongmung Kamnerdwam Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
  • Chatree Homkhiew
  • Bancha Julukul


House of Quality, Product design, Bamboo furniture, Sofa


This research was the application of the house of quality which is a product planning matrix for the conceptual design of bamboo furniture products in the type of sofa sets. To compare the satisfaction of customers with original and new products and also to meet the needs of customers. The research started from collecting data on the needs of customers (Voice of Customer; VOC) towards bamboo furniture products such as sofa sets. By using a questionnaire to survey the needs of the customer to determine product characteristics. Then, use the Affinity Diagram and Tree Diagram to help manage customer needs information. After that, explore the level of importance of customer needs in factors influencing satisfaction and the data were analyzed into the house of quality or planning matrix. The results of the analysis revealed that the new design of bamboo furniture product in the type of sofa set was changed the characteristics according to customer requirements in terms of style, material, convenience, quality, and other aspects. Then, product satisfaction was evaluated. The evaluation results found that the bamboo furniture product concept of sofa set was the technical satisfaction in terms of the material quality is the highest, at the first with an average of 4.42. The second was technical satisfaction in terms of durability, with an average of 4.37. From this research, it was found that the new product had a higher satisfaction value than the original product in all characteristics. The average overall satisfaction of the new product was 4.39 points and the average overall satisfaction of the original product was 3.36 points. The percentage change in the product was 30.65 percent.






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