Journal Information
Editor : Associate Professor Anin Memon, Ph.D.
Example of Journal of Manufacturing and Management Technology Template
Download J.MMT Template (Available both Thai and English version)
Updated on January 02, 2024
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***The journal does not charge any publication fees at any stage.
Examples of Reference Writing
The reference documents use the Vancouver Style system, sorted in order of 1,2,3 according to usage, by putting the number of references in parentheses, such as [1], etc., and collecting them for reference. According to the format of the journal.
To write a reference, the author must write in English. In case the source of reference is from a Thai reference source such as Thai textbooks, Thai journals, etc., it must be translated into English. Then parentheses at the end of the name of the original language, such as (in Thai) for the format of printing a list of references. For convenience, IEEE style files can be used in Endnote or use free online reference formatting services. For example,