Optical Character Recognition (OCR) enhancement using an approximate string matching technique

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Kraisak Kesorn
Phornsiri Phawapoothayanchai


Many researchers have focused on improving optical character recognition (OCR) efficiency by developing new techniques using image processing based methodologies. However, the major limitations of image processing techniques are their complexity and computational intensity. Thus, they are not applicable to some real-time application. The main highlight of this paper is that we present a new method for enhancing OCR using a simple approximate string matching technique to complement existing OCR algorithms. The experimental results revealed that the proposed methods can enhance the performance of OCR algorithms measured by precision. The accuracy of Thai word recognition was increased by up to 85.72% compared to use of traditional OCR techniques.

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How to Cite
Kesorn, K., & Phawapoothayanchai, P. (2018). Optical Character Recognition (OCR) enhancement using an approximate string matching technique. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 45(4), 282–289. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/99252


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