Mapping future graduate attributes in a medical engineering curriculum

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Supachard Krudtong
Nopadon Maneetien


Curriculum mapping is a process to ensure that a curriculum is relevant to students after they graduate. This study was conducted to map a medical engineering curriculum to future graduate attributes. Using STEEP analysis to predict future trends, new competencies for graduates were obtained. They are multi-disciplinary knowledge, teamwork and collaboration, research, creativity, and a business mindset. Six future graduate attributes were chosen to match these competencies. They are systems thinking, innovative thinking, curiosity, empathy, teamwork and collaboration, and experimentation. The current study also developed a student persona which represents students entering an engineering program. From the persona, the student’s deep need is to take ownership in managing his/her learning. Using this mapping in a medical engineering curriculum, the students graduated from the program will have the required future attributes to pursue positions of interest.

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How to Cite
Krudtong, S., & Maneetien, N. (2018). Mapping future graduate attributes in a medical engineering curriculum. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 45(4), 312–315. retrieved from


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