Development of teaching electrical technology integrating PBL and CBL and supporting STEM education

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Supachai prainetr
Kowit Yotmongkol
Natchanun Prainetr


The importance of vocational education that focuses base on learning by doing ,which is context of Nakhon Phanom University (NPU). They emphasized this through integration of existing vocational institutes in Nakhon Phanom Province. This paper aims to develop teaching and created inspiration for students of electrical technology program. The methodology employed teaching by project based learning (PBL) and community based learning (CBL). The student have been created an innovation to involve the control system and  application in community knife manufacturing process. The sample group consisted of 13 bachelor degree students in a six week in class, followed by a seven week practical experience in the factory manufacturing knives. The total project required15 weeks. The students applied engineering principles to design and simulate PID and closed loop control for temperature modulation of a furnace.  In this case study, students used basic knowledge, practical skills and invoked community participation. The students learned and conducted a project in a real-world practical application.

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How to Cite
prainetr, S., Yotmongkol, K., & Prainetr, N. (2018). Development of teaching electrical technology integrating PBL and CBL and supporting STEM education. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 45(1), 65–69. retrieved from


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