The 3D finite element analysis of stress distribution in implant supported single crown with different abutment designs

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Pongsakorn Poovarodom
Daraporn Sae- Lee
Jarupol Suriyawanakul


At present, various implant abutments are available, but the effect of abutment design on the implant and surrounding bone of an implant supported single crown in the posterior region is limited. The purpose of this study was to investigate the maximum von Mises stress, stress distribution pattern and stress accumulation of implant supported by a single crown with various abutment designs in the posterior region.

A dental implant (4.5 mm in diameter and 11.5 mm in length), with three different implant abutments, i.e., Rigid, Transfer, and customized titanium abutments, with zirconia crowns, were modeled using geometric data in SolidWorks. ANSYS software was used for analysis of applied loads (200 N vertical and 40 N horizontal) at a functional area with 1 Hz for 5 seconds.

The results showed that the patterns of stress distribution in all models were similar, i.e., the maximum von Mises stresses were observed at the first thread of the implant fixture on the buccal side. In the bone, the maximum stress was observed at the marginal bone contact area with the first thread of the implant. The stress was concentrated at the implant fixture-abutment screw interface in the bottom area on the buccal side. The model with a customized abutment (model 3) had a lower maximum von Mises stress, compared with the prefabricated abutment models (models 1 and 2) in all components except the abutment.

A customized titanium abutment can provide better biomechanics than a prefabricated abutment. There is a lower maximum stress with a continuous stress distribution pattern, and the stress accumulation is less in the implant fixture. The stress in the abutment screw was distributed continuously with less stress concentration, and the stress is distributed uniformly to the bone with a low stress value.

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How to Cite
Poovarodom, P., Sae- Lee, D., & Suriyawanakul, J. (2018). The 3D finite element analysis of stress distribution in implant supported single crown with different abutment designs. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 45(3), 240–250. retrieved from


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