Four phase current-mode sinusoidal quadrature oscillator based on CCCIIs

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Saksit Summart
Chanchai Thongsopa


This article presents a current-mode four phase quadrature oscillator with orthogonal control for condition of
oscillation (CO) and frequency of oscillation (FO) based on CCCII. The proposed circuit consists of 3 CCCIIs and
2 grounded capacitors. The proposed circuit can generate four sinusoidal output current terminals with 90o
phase difference. It also provides high output impedances that make the circuit can drive load without additional
current buffers. The CO and FO can be controlled electronically by adjusting the bias current. The proposed
circuit uses only grounded capacitors without any external resistor which is beneficial from the point of view of
integrated circuit fabrication. The simulation results by PSpice program are shown corresponding with the
theoretical analysis.

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How to Cite
Summart, S., & Thongsopa, C. (2013). Four phase current-mode sinusoidal quadrature oscillator based on CCCIIs. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 40(1), 117–123. retrieved from