Low loss three-dimensional metamaterial-based omega-net microwave lens

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Nantakan Wongkasem
David Flores


Straight forward design of a three-dimensional microwave lens operating from the X- to K-band is proposed. Two-dimensional Omega-net structures that proved to have a near-zero refractive index with low loss are used as a startup design, and later are optimized and implemented to construct a three-dimensional near-zero refractive index structure. A 3D single-shell Omega-net lens can generate dual near-zero refractive index bands, 9.16GHz-10.32GHz or 5.32% BW and 11.36GHz- 12.62GHz or 5.25% BW. Other two candidates, i.e., a 3D double-shell Omega-net and a 3D diamond double-shell Omega-net lenses are also introduced.

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How to Cite
Wongkasem, N., & Flores, D. (2017). Low loss three-dimensional metamaterial-based omega-net microwave lens. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 44(2), 106–110. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/84201


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