Algal Growth Control in Solar Pond
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Solar pond c l arIty 1S important for max imum solar power
collection. The ma~n culprIt 1n reduc Ing pond clarlty 1S algae
and slime. Dust,leaves and other factors are mInor contrIbutors to
turbIdity. The most sUItable method for maIntaining pond clarity IS the addition of copper sulphate at a rate of 0.5 mgl liter(0.5 g/m3 ).
collection. The ma~n culprIt 1n reduc Ing pond clarlty 1S algae
and slime. Dust,leaves and other factors are mInor contrIbutors to
turbIdity. The most sUItable method for maIntaining pond clarity IS the addition of copper sulphate at a rate of 0.5 mgl liter(0.5 g/m3 ).
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How to Cite
Boontanjai, D. (2013). Algal Growth Control in Solar Pond. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 16(1), 90–97. retrieved from
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