การสำรวจเทคโนโลยีพื้นบ้านในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ A survey of Village Technologies in the Northeast

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อ.อินทรชิต หอวิจิตร


It is generally accepted that in developing the country both in agriculture and industry, self-reliance technology must be emphasized. The first consideration should be focused on the existing technologies which have been used for many generations. This project surveyed the villa age techno orgies in the Northeast in order to be used as information’s for further studies and development. The studied technologies are divided into 6 categories via,  griculture, construction, household industry, transportation, energy and public utility. The survey was done in 3 regions of the northeast via, the northern, the middle and the southern regions, 6 villages in each region totaling 18 villages. The villages were selected according to the level of development namely highly developed, developing and underdeveloped villages, 6 villages for each level. A total of 132 technologies were collected. It is found in general that most of the village technologies found in various regions in the northeast are not different owing to the similarity in their cultures, occupations, and way of living . The village utensils and tools are simple, easily made and maintained. It is also found that a number of village technologies have been improved by incorporating new technologies such as the use of cotton yarn manufactured from the factory, the use of plastic in weaving mats instead of using traditional reed.

In addition, it is found that ready-made technologies such as agricultural machinery and biogas have been introduced. Appropriately improved and developed by incorporating new technologies and taken into consideration of needs and in harmony with the village way of late, the village technologies which have been handed down through many generations can be efficiently used in developing the country.

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How to Cite
หอวิจิตร อ. (2013). การสำรวจเทคโนโลยีพื้นบ้านในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ A survey of Village Technologies in the Northeast. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 16(1), 35–42. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/8168