Relaxing Vehicle Weight and Dimension Regulations Governing Truck Operation in Thailand
Main Article Content
In Thailand, the relaxation of regulations governing the sizes and
weights of trucks is an important issue. This is because such relaxation
will potentially lead to truck operating cost savings realized by truck
operators, but i t poss ibly results in the increases of highway geometric,
pavement , and bridge costs borne directly to the government agencles.
Consequently, t he most rat ional approach of relaxing such regulations would
be the one which could efficiently and effectively raise truck productivity
and simultaneously minimize government investments. This paper is
organized to present : what Vehicle Weight and Dimension (VWD) regulations
are and what they do; the rationale of the relaxation of VWD regulations;
the comparison of governing VWD regulations in Thailand to those in other
countries; implication to the relaxation of VWD regulations of Thailand;
and lastly commetary.
weights of trucks is an important issue. This is because such relaxation
will potentially lead to truck operating cost savings realized by truck
operators, but i t poss ibly results in the increases of highway geometric,
pavement , and bridge costs borne directly to the government agencles.
Consequently, t he most rat ional approach of relaxing such regulations would
be the one which could efficiently and effectively raise truck productivity
and simultaneously minimize government investments. This paper is
organized to present : what Vehicle Weight and Dimension (VWD) regulations
are and what they do; the rationale of the relaxation of VWD regulations;
the comparison of governing VWD regulations in Thailand to those in other
countries; implication to the relaxation of VWD regulations of Thailand;
and lastly commetary.
Article Details
How to Cite
Klungboonkrong, P. (2013). Relaxing Vehicle Weight and Dimension Regulations Governing Truck Operation in Thailand. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 17(1-2), 35–51. retrieved from
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