Use of Water Hyacinth Fiber as Randomly-Oriented Reinforcement in Roofing Sheets

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B. Chatveera
P. Nimityongskul


This study is aimed at investigating the physical and mechamcal properties of
water hyacinth fiber and the mechanical jproperties of fiber reinforced roofing sheet using
water hyacinth as fiber and rice husk ash as additive. High-range water reducing agent
was used as admixture in the mortar with rice husk ash in order to reduce water content
and to maintain the same workability as the mortar without rice husk ash. The fiber
content was the main parameter and varied in order to obtain the optimum proportion.
The production method adopted in thIS study was developed by Intermediate Technology
Development Group and testing procedures were performed in accordance with the
relevant ASTM standards. Test results showed that a mix haVing 2% fiber content by
weight of cementitious material with rice husk ash was the optimum mix of the
composite. The ductility of water hyacinth fiber reinforced semi-sheet roofings was
Significant high compared to that of plain mortar semi-sheet roofings. Test results
indicated that water hyacinth fiber is a highly absorptive fiber and its tensile strength and
modulus of elasticity are low.
The production method adopted was found to be simple, systematic and
suitable for rural development.

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How to Cite
Chatveera, B., & Nimityongskul, P. (2013). Use of Water Hyacinth Fiber as Randomly-Oriented Reinforcement in Roofing Sheets. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 21(1-2), 77–92. retrieved from