Managing finished goods inventory-maintenance engineering interaction subject to technical manufacturing information complexity employing an associated fuzzy-system dynamics approach

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Desmond Eseoghene Ighravwe
Sunday Ayoola Oke


Despite experiencing industrialisation, Nigerian business organisations are largely in turbulent environments and have a significant need to manage their inventories effectively in collaboration with their production and maintenance departments. Research on this issue is still incomplete. The objective of this communication is to demonstrate the use of a system dynamics (SD) method in the enhancement of inventory practices in relation to maintenance engineering in a factory. As a method, SD showcases an enhanced insight into the complexity of dynamics associated with inventory cum maintenance practices. The SD technique was successfully employed to model and analyse variables to gain insight and pin-point the principal compelling factors in inventory management system of manufacturing organisations. A fuzzy-SD model was used to evaluate the stock levels of finished goods, the number of experienced technicians and in the number of unavailable machines in manufacturing systems. The proposed model is a combination of a fuzzy inference system, SD, TOPSIS, the WASPAS method and aggregated rank sum. Enhancement of inventory performance is displayed as a workable model that can be implemented to handle complicated inventories in factories to achieve improved performance in manufacturing.

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How to Cite
Ighravwe, D. E., & Oke, S. A. (2018). Managing finished goods inventory-maintenance engineering interaction subject to technical manufacturing information complexity employing an associated fuzzy-system dynamics approach. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 45(3), 158–172. retrieved from



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