Properties of Concrete Which Use Foam Instead of Coarse Aggregate

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Nippon Suwansulroad
Somkid Sian-un
Somchai Kosirimong Kol
Sompong Gophra


Purpose of this project is studying propertics of conctete which used foam as coarse aggregate. Rato 1:2:3 (Cement : Sand : Foam by volume) has highest compressive strength and use this mixing ratio to evaluate other properties which are

-          Compressive strength (1:2:3) 153 ksc.

-          Unit weight 1,608-1, 627 kg/m3

-          Modulus of Elsticity 43,008 Mpa

-          Modulus of Rupture 22.14 Ksc

-          Bond strength (Round bar diameter of 12 mm. depth in concrete 10 cm) 30.97 ksc.

-          Bond strength (Deformed bar diameter of 12 mm. depth in concrete 10 cm.) 55.62 ksc

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How to Cite
Suwansulroad, N., Sian-un, S., Kosirimong Kol, S., & Gophra, S. (2013). Properties of Concrete Which Use Foam Instead of Coarse Aggregate. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 23(1), 181–191. retrieved from