Techniques for Lacca Dyeing of Thai-Race Silk Yarns

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Dr.Paisan Kongkachuichay


Techniques for lacca dyeing of Thai-race silk yarns are developed. Accompanied with the dyeing, several selected mordants were used in three ways: premordant method, metamordant method, and aftermordant method. The results show that use of different kinds of mordants results in different colors of dyed yarns. When the concentration of the used mordants was increased, the chroma of color also increased up to a certain point before decreasing. Moreover, the use of mordant with different methods affects on the finished color only for a few mordants. Subsequently, most of dyed samples exhibit the resistance of staining in the level of good to excellent, while they have the resistance of color-changing in the level of poor to fair, For the light fastness test under xenon-arc lamp, they are found to have the resistance in the level of fair to good. The effects of dye concentrations and used methods on the resistance of finished color are found to be insignificant. Conclusively, there are 5 kinds of mordants which are suitable for the lacca dyeing of the Thai silk yarns.

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How to Cite
Kongkachuichay, D. (2013). Techniques for Lacca Dyeing of Thai-Race Silk Yarns. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 23(1), 47–62. retrieved from