Setting time, compressive strength and sulfuric acid resistance of a high calcium fly ash geopolymer containing borax

Main Article Content

Athika Wongkvanklom
Vanchai Sata
Jay G. Sanjayan
Prinya Chindaprasirt


The objective of this research was to study the influence of borax on setting time and other properties viz., workability, compressive strength and sulfuric acid resistance of a high calcium fly ash (HCFA) geopolymer. Four borax types viz., deca‑hydrate borax, deca-hydrate borax heat‑treated for 5-minutes and 10-minutes and anhydrous borax were used to replace fly ash. A liquid to binder ratio (L/B) of 0.60, a 10M NaOH solution, and Na2SiO3/NaOH at a ratio of 1.0 were used in the formulation of the geopolymer. The results indicated that the replacement of fly ash with borax accelerated the initial setting time but retarded the final setting time of the geopolymer paste. The flow of mortar with deca-hydrate borax remained unaffected by the increase in the amount of borax. For other borax types, the mortar flow was reduced and this was related to the water molecules in the borax. The compressive strength of the mortar tended to decrease with increasing borax content. The resistance of the mortar to 3% sulfuric acid was reduced with increased borax content. The use of borax should be around 2.5% to control the setting of a high calcium fly ash geopolymer and to obtain good strength and resistance to acid.

Article Details

How to Cite
Wongkvanklom, A., Sata, V., Sanjayan, J. G., & Chindaprasirt, P. (2018). Setting time, compressive strength and sulfuric acid resistance of a high calcium fly ash geopolymer containing borax. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 45(2), 89–94. retrieved from
Author Biographies

Athika Wongkvanklom, Sustainable Infrastructure Research and Development Center, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand

Ph.D. student

Vanchai Sata, Sustainable Infrastructure Research and Development Center, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand

director, Sustainable Infrastructure Research and Development Center, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, 40002, Thailand. 

Jay G. Sanjayan, Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure, Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria 3122, Australia

head, Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure, Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria, 3122, Australia

Prinya Chindaprasirt, Sustainable Infrastructure Research and Development Center, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand









TEL: 0066-43-202-355   FAX: 0066-43-202-355 EXT. 12  








Research Expertise 

Professor Prinya Chindaprasirt is the Director of the Sustainable Infrastructure Research and Development Center (SIRDC), a research unit in Khon Kaen University. He is now also the head of Advanced Functional Materials research cluster of Khon Kaen University. He was appointed a full professor in 2007. In 2009 he was the first person in civil engineering who was appointed the highest rank professor in Thailand. He has set up the Thai Geopolymer Network in 2005 to promote the research and collaboration among Thai researchers in this field.


Important Positions 

Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University 1985-1992, 

President, Khon Kaen University 1995-1998, 1999-2003, 

Senator, the Kingdom of Thailand 1996-2000, 

Chairman, Board of State Railway of Thailand 2003-2005, 

Chairman, University Council of the Rajamagala University of Technology Isan 2011-2015 

Chairman, University Council of the Rajabhat Mahasarakham University 2011-now

Member, University Council of the University of Phayao 2011-now

Associate member, Royal Institute of Thailand, 2013-now


Honors and Awards
  1. Gold Medal Award for outstanding water resources development, Department of Local Administration, Ministry of Interior 1991 
  2. 2002 Outstanding Technologist Award, Researchers in the Utilization of fly ash, Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Technology, Thailand.
  3. 2003Sri Mor Din Daeng Award (Outstanding civil servant) received from Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn 
  4. Outstanding Research Awards, Faculty of Engineering , Khon Kaen University 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011  
  5. 2007 Professor Vittaya Pianwichit Gold Medal Award, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University
  6. 2007 Good Citizen-Society Award, Good Citizen and Society; United Broadcast Corporation (UBC) 
  7. 2009 Outstanding Teacher Award (Science and Technology), Council of University Faculty Senate of Thailand
  8. 2009 KKU Silver Award for Outstanding Research    
  9. 2011 KKU Gold Award for Outstanding Research 
  10. 2011-2014 and 2014-2017 Senior Research Scholar, Thailand Research Fund 
  11. 2012 5-year milestone as a Marquis Who's Who Listee
  12. 2012-2014 and 2014-2016 SCG-Chair Professor (Siam Cement Group)
  13. 2012 Top Research Publication Award, Khon Kaen University
  14. 2013 Invitation, Leading Scientists of the world, IBC (International Biographical Center) 
  15. 2013 Golden Phra That Phanom Award 
  16. 2013 Certificate of Excellent in Reviewing, Constructions and Building Material
  17. 2014  KKU Diamond Award for Outstanding Research 
  18. 2014 Thailand Outstanding Researcher Award (Engineering and Industry); National Research Council of Thailand
  19. 2015 Thomson Reuters Thailand Frontier Researcher Award 
  20. 2015 Toray Foundation Thailand Science and Technology Award


Editor, committee, examiner (Important ones)

1999           Assessor, Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University, Japan, 4-10 December 1999

2008-2011 Editor, KKU Research Journal 

2008-now   Editor, KKU Engineering Journal 

2013           Assessor, Research proposal, Cariplo Foundation, Italy.

2013-now   Ph.D. Thesis examiner, 

                    Faculty of Civil Engineering, Anna University, India; 

                    Structural Engineering, Annamalai Uni., India; 

                    Hindustan University, India; 

                    Curtin University, Western Australia

2013-now   Editorial board, Engineers Press 

2013-now   Academic editor, Journal of Scientific Research and Reports 

2013-now   International Editorial Board, KMUTNB International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 

2013-now   Technical Committee on Establishment of Construction and Quality Control     Standards for Performance–based Design of Porous Concrete, Japan Concrete Institute

2015-now   Editorial board, Heliyon: Elsevier's new open access journal

2015         Project Reviewer; Technology Foundation STW, Netherland


Research Interest

Cementitious materials, pozzolan, concrete products, geopolymeric materials, cement nano-composites and smart cementitious material.  



Thai; 4 books as author and co-author 

  1. Cement, concrete, pozzolan 
  2. Fly ash in concrete
  3. Rice husk ash in concrete 
  4. Advanced Concrete Technology: Theory and Testing

English; 2 books as editor and contributor 

  1. F. Pacheco-Torgal, J. A. Labrincha, C. Leonelli, A. Palomo and P.Chindraprasirt, 2014, Handbook of alkali-activated cements, mortars and concretes, 1st Edition, Woodhead Publishing, P. 852
  2. F. Pacheco-Torgal, P.B. Lourenço, J.A. Labrincha, S. Kumar, and P. Chindaprasirt, 2014, Eco-efficient masonry bricks and blocks: design, properties and durability, 1st

Edition, Woodhead Publishing, P. 548


Patents/Petty Patent

1 patent, 3 patent pending and 5 petty patents (in Thailand). 



156 papers in peer reviewed international journals (SCOPUS).   

45 international conference papers

130 papers in Thai journal and national conferences.

Citations=2780, H index = 29 (SCOPUS)


Top authors - Microsoft Academic Search

Last 10 years (2013)

  1. Rank 4,Top authors in Cement - Microsoft Academic Search2013
  2. Rank 31, Top authors in Construction - Microsoft Academic Search2013

All years

  1. Rank 46, Top authors in Cement - Microsoft Academic Search2013
  2. Rank 102, Top authors in Construction - Microsoft Academic Search2013


Most viewed authors in material science - Microsoft Academic Search2013


List of journals reviewed

78 journals, 295 papers

ACI Structural and Materials Journal, ACI Structural Journal, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Arabian Journal of

Chemistry, Automation in Construction, Biomass and Bioenergy, British Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology, Cement and Concrete Composites, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Computers and Concrete, Construction and Building Materials, Energy and Buildings, Engineering Journal, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Environmental Science & Technology, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Fuel, Global Environmental Engineers, GMSARN international journal, Hydrometallurgy, Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, International Journal of Polymer Science, International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, International Journal of the Physical Sciences, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Journal of American Ceramic Society, Journal of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Composites Part B, Journal of Construction Engineering, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Hazardous

Materials, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Journal of Materials and Design,

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Journal of Materials Science, Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimeter, Journal of Waste Management and Research, Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), KMUTNB International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Materials and Structures, Materials Characterization, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Measurement,  Philosophical Magazine, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Physical Review and Research International, Powder Technology, Research on Chemical Intermediates, ScienceAsia,  Scientia Iranica, Scientific Research and Essays, Scientific World Journal, Smart Materials and Structures, Solid State Sciences, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Suranaree Journal of Science and Technology, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Thermochimica Acta, Transportation Research Part C, Zhejiang University Science A: Applied Physics and Engineering. 




Dr. Prinya Chindaprasirt is a professor level 11, Department of Civil Engineering, Khon Kaen University. He received Colombo Plan Scholarship to study Civil Engineering in Australia. He obtained Bachelor Degree from the University of Tasmania, and M.E. and Ph.D. from the University of New South Wales. Currently, he is Director of Sustainable Infrastructure Research and Development Center, and Head of Advanced Functional Materials Cluster, Khon Kaen University.

His research interest is in ‘Eco-Cement and Concrete’. His major contribution is in ‘Utilization of Mae-Moh fly ash’ and ‘Development of high calcium fly ash geopolymer’. He has written 3 books; ‘Fly ash in concrete work’, ‘Cement, pozzolan and concrete’ and ‘Rice husk ash in concrete work’. He was co-editor and contributor of two books of Woodhead Publishing: ‘Handbook of alkali-activated cements, mortars and concretes’; and ‘Eco-efficient masonry bricks and blocks: design, properties and durability’. He published 40 papers in Thai journals, 107 papers in Thai conferences, and 59 papers in international conferences. In SCOPUS data base, he published 150 papers with 2673 citations and H-index of 27. He received Outstanding Technologist Award (fly ash researcher group) in 2002. He was appointed ‘Thailand Research Fund Senior Scholar’ in 2011-14 and 2014-17, Chair Professor of SCG Cement Co. Ltd. in 2012-14 and 2014-16, and Associate Member of Royal Institute of Thailand in 2013. He also received Thailand Outstanding Researcher Award (Engineering and Industry) in 2014, Thomson Reuters Thailand Frontier Researcher Award in 2015 and Toray Foundation Thailand Science and Technology Awards in 2015.  


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