Khaen sound synthesis using a subtractive method

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Kittipitch Meesawat


This article presents a khaen sound synthesis using subtractive method with presumed input signal. The presumed signal was sawtooth wave which contains strong harmonics at low frequency and rolled-off harmonics at high frequency. This allows a lower order filter design. The subtractive filters were 50th order infinite impulse response (IIR) filters designed from 8191st order finite impulse response (FIR) filters impulse responses, which were designed based on different between magnitude spectrum of the target sounds and that of the corresponding sawtooth wave. A realtime implementation on Csound was also presented. The quality of the synthesized sound still needs improvement.

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How to Cite
Meesawat, K. (2016). Khaen sound synthesis using a subtractive method. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 43, 491–493. retrieved from