Reuse of sensor chip using UV/ozone method for surface plasmon resonance biosensor

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Nott Santiketa
Toemsak Srikhirin
Chinnawuth Pipatpanukul
Chokchai Puttharugsa


This work presents a novel method to reuse the gold (Au) sensor chip for surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy. The SPR chip, used in ABO blood group typing, was regenerated with a functional layer and biomolecule layer on the SPR surface by UV/ozone method. The layer of used SPR consisted of a functional layer of carboxyl methylate dextran (CMD) and a layer of biomolecules (antibody and red blood cell (RBC)). After regenerating, the reused SPR chip was monitored by the SPR imager, including SPR image and SPR curve. The ability of the reused SPR chip was again tested in ABO blood typing and compared to that of the new SPR chip.  For the construction of the blood group typing biosensor, the antibodies—anti-A and anti-B—were covalently immobilized on the CMD surface of the reused or new SPR chip. The RBCs—RBC A, RBC B, RBC AB, and RBC O—were passed over the immobilized antibodies’ surface for analyzing blood types. The result of the SPR curve shifted left and equaled to that of the new SPR chip, and the obtained SPR images from the used/new SPR chip were similar. The SPR signal obtained from the reused SPR chip for blood typing was correctly grouped, same with the new SPR chip. Thus, this method is feasible to regenerate the surface of the SPR chip for its prolonged reuse.

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How to Cite
Santiketa, N., Srikhirin, T., Pipatpanukul, C., & Puttharugsa, C. (2016). Reuse of sensor chip using UV/ozone method for surface plasmon resonance biosensor. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 43, 427–430. retrieved from