Improvement of reliability in distribution systems by optimal location and size of solar PV systems

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Noppadol Kranjanaudom
Uthane Supatti


This paper presents the methodology to improve reliability of distribution systems by using solar PV systems. The system's reliability is evaluated by using the future performance prediction and loss of load probability for optimal location and size of the PV systems. The optimal condition is evaluated through two distribution reliability indices which are SAIFI and SAIDI. Moreover, the economic value is calculated and compared to differences of size and location of the PV systems. In this paper, the PV systems are assumed to be connected to distribution networks at all buses of the IEEE 13 bus testing systems. Then, the implementation is conducted with comprehensive technical considerations, including solar radiation data, patterns of load demand, possible failures of PV units and PV output power. The results are shown that the PV system can improve reliability of the distribution systems. With economic consideration, the optimal size and location of the PV systems are determined and ultimately, these suitable parameters lead to improvement of the reliability of the distribution systems.

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How to Cite
Kranjanaudom, N., & Supatti, U. (2016). Improvement of reliability in distribution systems by optimal location and size of solar PV systems. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 43, 307–310. retrieved from