Integration of value engineering and theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) for increasing the value of industrial products: case study of air-conditioner

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Ruephuwan Chantrasa
Charnchai Phontri
Veeraya Louangsinsiri


Increasing the product value and decreasing the production cost are important factors for the success of manufacturing industries. This research aims to propose a systematic approach for product design and development by applying value engineering technique and Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). Air conditioning manufacturing industry was used as a case study in this research. The research methodology consisted of the selection of parts to be analyzed, data collection of parts to be designed, function analysis, idea creation and the application of TRIZ. Results from product analysis showed that the major part of air conditioning was the Electric Box Assembly which was composed of several minor parts. One of them was the Electronic box plate which was an important part and suitable as a sample part for the study of increasing the product value and decreasing the production cost.  From the steps of idea creation and application of TRIZ, a systematic approach for designing the Electronic box plate was generated. This approach can reduce the amount of material used to manufacture this part more than 30% and also increase its value.  This was because it can be designed to have a common function with a Partition plate, thus, the value of the Electronic box plate was increased.

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How to Cite
Chantrasa, R., Phontri, C., & Louangsinsiri, V. (2016). Integration of value engineering and theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) for increasing the value of industrial products: case study of air-conditioner. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 43, 254–258. retrieved from