Thailand's Water Resources Situation

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Prakob Wirojanagud
Thidarat Tiyajamom


Water which used to be abundant in Thailand is increasingly limited and competitive among different user's groups and cause conflicts. Water demand for different purposes is increasing while natural supply of fresh water is decreasing due to improper management of watersheds, especially deforestation. Agricultural and industrial activities cause water pollution which hinder the use of fresh water l.I1 some area:;

Strategy and tools for water resource ll1anagement is, therefore, significant to the social and economic development of Thailand. Conflict management and cooperation among different water user's groups with the principles of equity and efficiency is necessary for the stability und growth of local communities.

Present situation regarding the management of Thailand's water resources and tile related management information system are evaluated in this research. Four major too is for water resource management arc suggested with the emphasis on watershed management planning and the improvement of water resource management information system

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How to Cite
Wirojanagud, P., & Tiyajamom, T. (2013). Thailand’s Water Resources Situation. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 24(2), 1–20. retrieved from