Line Balancing for Sewing Leather Assembly for Covering Car Seats

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Keartisak Sreprateep
Nuchsara Kriengkorakot
Suwit Thongrord
Worachet Chettharaj
Praphapan Sudchada


This study is to use the line-balancing method to solve problems of sewing assembly for covering car seats. The Front Seat Cushion (FSC) assembly, series Volvo S80 Std was studied; it was found that the efficiency of production line was 45.54%. Theories of line-balancing methods and computer software were used to find a solution and select a suitable method for implementation in production line. The outcome of the implement was the efficiency increased by 88.8% and production rate increased from 175 pieces to 304 pieces per 8 working hours. The company could consequently reduce the delay of delivery and over time working hours and this study can also be used as a prototype of line-balancing models for other parts and products.

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How to Cite
Sreprateep, K., Kriengkorakot, N., Thongrord, S., Chettharaj, W., & Sudchada, P. (2013). Line Balancing for Sewing Leather Assembly for Covering Car Seats. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 28(2-3), 101–114. retrieved from