Digital Measurement of Percentage of Rice Grain’s Whiteness

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Prakas Prisuwan
Songkrod Sriprasarn


This paper presents a digital meter that cam measure percentage of rice grain’s whiteness. The meter used to measures whiteness of rice’s grain by using reflection of light through lens to photodiode. The photodiode then Converses light to electrical signal, Converse analog electrical signal to digital signal by A/D converter, finally displays output in percent of whiteness by LCD display this whiteness meter can be decomposed in 5 portions there are lighting tube and photodiode, Amplifier cite it , A/D and D/A converter, Processing unit, and output display, Processing unit uses microcontroller 8051 and output display uses LCD dot metrix.

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How to Cite
Prisuwan, P., & Sriprasarn, S. (2013). Digital Measurement of Percentage of Rice Grain’s Whiteness. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 31(2), 107–121. retrieved from