Optimum radii and heights of U-shaped baffles in a square duct heat exchanger using surrogate-assisted optimization

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Kittinan Wansasueb
Nantiwat Pholdee
Sujin Bureerat


In this paper, optimum U-shaped baffles in a square channel heat exchanger using air as a working fluid were developed using surrogate-assisted optimization. The design problem is set to maximize heat transfer performance and simultaneously minimize pressure loss across the channel. Design variables determine the radii and heights of the baffles, whereas the optimization problem is treated as box-constrained optimization. The work in this paper is aimed at finding an appropriate surrogate model for designing such a heat exchanger system. Function evaluations are performed by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The computations are based on the finite volume method and are carried out at a Reynolds number of 4000. It has been found that the use of U-shaped baffles as heat transfer enhancement devices improves the thermal performance of the heat exchanger. Comparative results reveal that the Kriging model is the most accurate surrogate model, however, the surrogate model giving the best result is support vector regression.

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How to Cite
Wansasueb, K., Pholdee, N., & Bureerat, S. (2017). Optimum radii and heights of U-shaped baffles in a square duct heat exchanger using surrogate-assisted optimization. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 44(2), 84–89. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/66772
Author Biography

Sujin Bureerat, Sustainable and Infrastructure Research and Development Center, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand

Researcher: Prof. Sujin Bureerat Address Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Khon Kaen University Khon Kaen, 40002 Thailand Email: sujbur@kku.ac.th Education B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Thailand Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Manchester University, UK Research Interests - Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation - Meta-Heuristics - Topology Optimisation - Aeroelastic Analysis and Design of Aircraft Structures - Experimental and Theoretical Modal Analysis - Vibration-Based Structural Damage Identification - Multiobjective and Manyobjective Evolutionary Algorithms - Surrogate-Assisted Optimisation - Computational Mechanics (Finite Element Analysis) - Agricultural Machinery Awards - TRF research scholar, 2009 - TRF advanced research scholar, 2012 & 2015 - Outstanding reviewer for Applied Soft Computing, 2012 & 2014 - Outstanding researcher in Science and Technology, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, 2011 - Outstanding Ph.D. supervisor in Science and Technology 2014, Khon Kean University, Thailand Professional Activities Editor - KKU International Engineering Conference, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 931-932 Series, 2014 - Editor of KKU Research Journal, 2015 - present - Editor of KKU Engineering Journal, 2015 – present - Lead guest editor of the special issue on “Meta-heuristics in vibration analysis” for Shock and Vibration Editorial board member - Editorial board member of Engineering Optimization, 2013 - present - Editorial board member of the Scientific World Journal (Operations research), 2013-present - Editorial board member of Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering (Thai Society of Mechanical Engineers), 2011 – present Conference program committee CEC2007, ICNC2011, ICNC2013, ICNC2014, ICNC2015, ICORES2015, ICORES2015, TSME-ICoME, ME-NETT Reviewer Engineering Optimization, Applied Soft Computing, Finite Element in Analysis and Design, Information Science, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, International Journal of Vehicle Design, International Journal of Systems Science, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, Journal of Electronic Packaging (ASME Transactions), Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (ASCE Transactions), Inverse problems in Science and Engineering, Journal of the Operational Research Society, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, The Scientific World Journal, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Expert Systems with Applications, Scientia Iranica, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, HKIE Transactions, Neural Processing Letters Recent Publications 1. Pholdee, N., Park, W.-W., Kim, D.-K., Im, Y.-T., Bureerat, S. Optimization of flatness of a strip during coiling process based on evolutionary algorithms, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, accepted 2. Pholdee, N., Bureerat, S., Beak, H.M., Im, Y.-T. Process optimization of a non-circular drawing sequence based on multi-surrogate assisted meta-heuristic algorithm, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, accepted 3. Bureerat, S., Pholdee, N. Optimal truss sizing using an adaptive differential evolution algorithm (2015) Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Article in Press. 4. Pholdee, N., Bureerat, S. An efficient optimum Latin hypercube sampling technique based on sequencing optimisation using simulated annealing (2015) International Journal of Systems Science, 46 (10), pp. 1780-1789. 5. Sleesongsom, S., Bureerat, S. Morphing wing structural optimization using opposite-based population-based incremental learning and multigrid ground elements (2015) Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, art. no. 730626. 6. Pholdee, N., Park, W.-W., Kim, D.-K., Im, Y.-T., Bureerat, S., Kwon, H.-C., Chun, M.-S. Efficient hybrid evolutionary algorithm for optimization of a strip coiling process (2015) Engineering Optimization, 47 (4), pp. 521-532. 7. Pholdee, N., Bureerat, S. Hybrid real-code population-based incremental learning and approximate gradients for multi-objective truss design (2014) Engineering Optimization, 46 (8), pp. 1032-1051. 8. Pholdee, N., Bureerat, S. Hybrid real-code ant colony optimisation for constrained mechanical design (2014) International Journal of Systems Science, . Article in Press. 9. Pholdee, N., Bureerat, S. Comparative performance of meta-heuristic algorithms for mass minimisation of trusses with dynamic constraints (2014) Advances in Engineering Software, 75, pp. 1-13. 10. Panagant, N., Bureerat, S. Solving partial differential equations using a new differential evolution algorithm (2014) Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, art. no. 747490, . 11. Sleesongsom, S., Bureerat, S., Tai, K. Aircraft morphing wing design by using partial topology optimization (2013) Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 48 (6), pp. 1109-1128. 12. Kunakote, T., Bureerat, S. Surrogate-assisted multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for structural shape and sizing optimization (2013) Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, art. no. 695172, . 13. Bureerat, S., Sriworamas, K. Simultaneous topology and sizing optimization of a water distribution network using a hybrid multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (2013) Applied Soft Computing Journal, 13 (8), pp. 3693-3702. 14. Tontragunrat, P., Bureerat, S. Antioptimisation of trusses using two-level population-based incremental learning (2013) Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, art. no. 434636, . 15. Noilublao, N., Bureerat, S. Simultaneous topology, shape, and sizing optimisation of plane trusses with adaptive ground finite elements using MOEAs (2013) Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, art. no. 838102, . 16. Pholdee, N., Bureerat, S. Hybridisation of real-code population-based incremental learning and differential evolution for multiobjective design of trusses (2013) Information Sciences, 223, pp. 136-152. 17. Sleesongsom, S., Bureerat, S. New conceptual design of aeroelastic wing structures by multi-objective optimization (2013) Engineering Optimization, 45 (1), pp. 107-122. 18. Kanyakam, S., Bureerat, S. Multiobjective optimization of a pin-fin heat sink using evolutionary algorithms (2012) Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of the ASME, 134 (2), art. no. 021008, . 19. Pholdee, N., Bureerat, S. Performance enhancement of multiobjective evolutionary optimisers for truss design using an approximate gradient (2012) Computers and Structures, 106-107, pp. 115-124. 20. Boonpan, A., Bureerat, S. Multi-stage design of an automotive component (2012) International Journal of Vehicle Design, 60 (1-2), pp. 84-99. 21. Kanyakam, S., Bureerat, S. Comparative performance of surrogate-assisted MOEAs for geometrical design of pin-fin heat sinks (2012) Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012, art. no. 534783, . 22. Dolwichai, T., Limtragool, J., Bureerat, S. Optimization of a triangular slot shape in a tire tread block by using the finite element analysis and MPSO (2012) Advanced Materials Research, 505, pp. 424-428. 23. Pholdee, N., Bureerat, S. Surrogate-assisted evolutionary optimizers for multiobjective design of a torque arm structure (2012) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 101-102, pp. 324-328. 24. Kanyakam, S., Bureerat, S. Multiobjective evolutionary optimization of splayed pin-fin heat sink (2011) Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 5 (4), pp. 553-565. 25. Noilublao, N., Bureerat, S. Simultaneous topology, shape and sizing optimisation of a three-dimensional slender truss tower using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (2011) Computers and Structures, 89 (23-24), pp. 2531-2538. 26. Bureerat, S. Hybrid population-based incremental learning using real codes (2011) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6683 LNCS, pp. 379-391. 27. Bureerat, S. Improved population-based incremental learning in continuous spaces (2011) Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 96 AISC, pp. 77-86. 28. Kunakote, T., Bureerat, S. Multi-objective topology optimization using evolutionary algorithms (2011) Engineering Optimization, 43 (5), pp. 541-557. 29. Sleesongsom, S., Bureerat, S. Effect of actuating forces on aeroelastic characteristics of a morphing aircraft wing (2011) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 52-54, pp. 308-317. 30. Bureerat, S., Srisomporn, S. Optimum plate-fin heat sinks by using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (2010) Engineering Optimization, 42 (4), pp. 305-323. 31. Srisomporn, S., Bureerat, S. Geometrical design of plate-fin heat sinks using hybridization of MOEA and RSM (2008) IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, 31 (2 SPEC. ISS.), pp. 351-360. 32. Bureerat, S., Limtragool, J. Structural topology optimisation using simulated annealing with multiresolution design variables (2008) Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 44 (12-13), pp. 738-747. 33. Bureerat, S., Sriworamas, K. Population-based incremental learning for multiobjective optimization (2007) Advances in Soft Computing, 39, pp. 223-232. 34. Kanyakam, S., Bureerat, S. Passive vibration suppression of a walking tractor handlebar structure using multiobjective PBIL (2007) 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2007, art. no. 4425014, pp. 4162-4169. 35. Bureerat, S., Kunakote, T. Topological design of structures using population-based optimization methods (2006) Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 14 (6), pp. 589-607. 36. Kositbowornchai, S., Siriteptawee, S., Plermkamon, S., Bureerat, S., Chetchotsak, D. An artificial neural network for detection of simulated dental caries (2006) International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 1 (2), pp. 91-96. 37. Bureerat, S., Limtragool, J. Performance enhancement of evolutionary search for structural topology optimization (2006) Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 42 (6), pp. 547-566.


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