Management of Animal Manure for Rural Environment

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Banchongsri Jeeravipoolvarn
Thanonsakdi Sangvatanachai
Dr. Lamyai Kowithayakorn


Development of animal waste processing is necessary and useful not only to reduce the pollution but also increase the value of the animal waste. This research was conducted in faculty of Engineering and Agriculture, Khon Kaen University. The study was divided into two parts: the first part was to develop animal waste mixture compression machine consists of horizontal mixing tank with 7 paddles and the compressor that compressed the animal mixture into a rod of 8 millimeter diameter and 10 millimeter long. The pill of animal waste mixture has density of 820 kilogram per cubic meter that is 2.04 times greater than the density of the original mixture.

5 formulas were developed and tested :

- Formula 1 Soil (control)

- Formula 2 Soil: Chemical Fertilizer (12-24-12)

- Formula 3 Soil: Pig manure: minced leave 4:1:1

- Formula 4 Soil: Pig manure: minced leave 4:1:1 + Mixture pill

(Pig manure: Chicken manure: Minced leave 1:1:1)

- Formula 5 Soil: Pig manure: minced leave 4:1:1 + Mixture pill

(Pig manure: Chicken manure: Minced leave 1:2:1)

The results showed that the growth rate using organic manure from Formula 1 and Formula 2 was not statistically significant, but that derived from Formula 3, 4 and 5 were statistically significant in branches, flowering and  fresh fruit weight. Consequently the development of animal manure for an granules production and machine can reduce the animal manure volume down to a half and statistically significant increase the productivity.

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How to Cite
Jeeravipoolvarn, B., Sangvatanachai, T., & Kowithayakorn, D. L. (2013). Management of Animal Manure for Rural Environment. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 27(3), 61–77. retrieved from