Design of KKU-NZ Type 2 weir By Using Visual Basic 4.0

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Winaf Sri-Amporn


A computer program to design KKU-NZ type 2 weir by using Visual Basic 4.0 is presented. Water resources and Environment Institute originally developed the KKU-NZ weir’s structural design and its computer design program in 1989. The original design program is written in GWBASIC, which is not so applicable. Using Visual Basic therefore develops a new weir design program called WEIR2 version 1.6. The program shall be easily installed on a personal computer. It is more convenient to use and the computed output will be shown on screen. Furthermore, the program shall warn immediately and show the right suggestion when there is any error on input data. In the calculation, the program requires only characteristic of a channel, such as top width, bed width, average longitudinal slope, bed and bank elevation at the site, and Manning’s roughness coefficient, as input data. The program shall calculate dimension of the weir, quantity of construction materials, and the total construction cost of the project, within 10 minutes.

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How to Cite
Sri-Amporn, W. (2013). Design of KKU-NZ Type 2 weir By Using Visual Basic 4.0. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 27(2), 7–19. retrieved from