A Guideline for Management of Water Distribution System, Mahasarakam Weir Project

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Winai Sri-Amporn


A guideline for management of water distribution system, and water requirement for rice of Mahasarakam weir project are presented. The weir comprises of 6 steel radial gates with a normal storage level at 146.80 m. (MSL). It could store water of 24 MCM along Chi River. There are 2 units of 3 cms capacity pump. The water requirement was calculated by multiplying a potential evaotransoiration with crop coefficient of rice, plus percolation, minus effective rainfall, and divided by irrigation efficiency. The result of the calculation was a weekly water requirement for the irrigating area of 16,000 rai. The previous main problems of Mahasarakam weir project were including, delivered water was not fulfilling the farmers’ requirement, and some farmers took water without any payment for electricity cost. In order to solve the problems, this study suggested a guideline was to construct 3 more check distribution system. The suggested guideline area into 6 Zones. The fixed water delivery schedule for each zone, starting from the beginning to the end of the canal respectively, was also suggested, The suggested guideline was applied, and it could effectively improve the water distribution system of the project.

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How to Cite
Sri-Amporn, W. (2013). A Guideline for Management of Water Distribution System, Mahasarakam Weir Project. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 30(2), 129–144. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/6572