Improved Inverter Arc Welding Machine to Reduce Input Current Distorion

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Wanchai Panthong
Chaipat Wattansan


Conventional inverter arc welding machines invariably employ a diode bridge to provide DC voltage for its inverter stage to transfer high-frequency power through transformer. The diode bridge draws distorted input currents which are not desirable. The paper proposes a simple and effective method to reduce the current distortion by adding two active switches to the diode bridge for current shaping. The prototype of a modified arc welding machine which can deliver a maximum welding current of 100A has been built and tested. The experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve PF of 0.98 and above while a conventional arc welding machine has PF below 0.70.

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How to Cite
Panthong, W., & Wattansan, C. (2013). Improved Inverter Arc Welding Machine to Reduce Input Current Distorion. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 30(2), 115–127. retrieved from