A Technique wireless Digital Transceiver

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Eakapoom Winunt
Sakol Kijja
Arjin Numsomran
Songchai Weerathaweemas
Asst.Prof.Prapart Ukakimaparn


This paper presents the technique wireless digital transceiver by technique direct-modulator. This method use IC which has the modulator circuit and the mixer circuit. The data can transmit to multi data processor by wireless communication with binary frequency shift keying modulation scheme at carrier frequency in V.H.F. Band. Then the data of multi data processor can with decode algorithm. The data is decoded by the phase lock loop circuit. The technique decrease process in modulator and demodulator.

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How to Cite
Winunt, E., Kijja, S., Numsomran, A., Weerathaweemas, S., & Ukakimaparn, A. (2013). A Technique wireless Digital Transceiver. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 30(2), 103–113. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/6569