An Application of Graph Theory on Control System

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Thongchai Srinophakun
Somwut Krutkun


Specific Graph Theory called Digraph is the criteria algorithm to analyze the control system. This technique aims to address the problem of large and complicate process system. The most advantage of the technique is their abilities to represent the mathermatical model of process with their structural characteristics. To analyze problem with structural properties will allow a process engineers verify their knowledge-base even in a light information stage.

The paper will begin with the addressing the graph technique on system the graph technique to determining the determinant of system will followed up. Finally, the controllability and observability will be revised and addressed with structural technique.


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How to Cite
Srinophakun, T., & Krutkun, S. (2013). An Application of Graph Theory on Control System. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 25(2), 45–57. retrieved from
Author Biographies

Thongchai Srinophakun, KU

Somwut Krutkun, KU