The Heat Evolution of Mortars Incorporation Met kaolin/Rice husk ash/Fly ash

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Veera Horsakulthai


The results of laboratory investigation conducted with hear evolution of blended cement mortars are presented. Heat evolution of mortar was studied by measuring the temperature increase in mortar cube under semi-adiabatic curing condition for curing time of 120 hours. The binders employed were metakaolin-Portland cement (FA-OPC) blends, with OPC replacement dosage of 20% and 40% From the test, it was found that the cement mortar containing fly ash showed the temperature change rate and the peak temperature lowest for the same dosage by weight. The cement mortar containing metakaolin showed the time taken to reach the peak temperature with the greatest delay for the same dosage by weight.

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How to Cite
Horsakulthai, V. (2013). The Heat Evolution of Mortars Incorporation Met kaolin/Rice husk ash/Fly ash. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 32(5), 691–700. retrieved from