Electronically Tunable Current-Mode Multifunctional Biquadratic Filter Using FTFNs and Dual-Output OTAs

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Thananut Garahun
Tattaya Pukkalanun
Worapong Tangsrirat


An electrically tunable current-mode multifunetional hiquadratic filter is desecribed in this paper. The proposed filter consists of two four-terminal floating nullors (FTFNs), two dual-output ()

Perational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTAs) and two grounded capacitors, without the use of external passive resistors. The eircuit can simultaneously realize the lowpass, bapdpass and highpass current transfer functions from the same congifuration without changing the eircuit configuration and elements. The natural angular frequency ω॰ and the parameter ω॰Ԛ can be orthogonally controlled through adjusting the transconductance gain of OTA. PSPICE simulation results are cmploued to confirm the eircuit performance.

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How to Cite
Garahun, T., Pukkalanun, T., & Tangsrirat, W. (2013). Electronically Tunable Current-Mode Multifunctional Biquadratic Filter Using FTFNs and Dual-Output OTAs. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 32(4), 467–478. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/6197