The Control of E.coli Colony by Using Various Electric Field

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K. Tonmitr K. Tonmitr
A. Suksri A. Suksri
A. Kaewrawang A. Kaewrawang
W. Tonmitr W. Tonmitr


This research studies the electric field supply between two pieces of the square plate which is
function as electrode of 5 × 5 cm for control of E.coli. There are three kinds of pulse electric field
supply - high voltage negative current field, bipolar pulse electric field of 450-740 Hz and direct
current field plus bipolar electric field. The magnitude of electric field and exposure time used for
controlling E.coli colony are 5 kV/cm, 10 kV/cm, and 13 kV/cm for exposure time of 1 minute, 3
minutes, and 5 minutes respectively.
From tests and results, the best electric field configuration of DC negative field plus bipolar
pulse electric field of 450-740 Hz with an exposure time of 5 minutes was found to be the most
effective configuration. The number of E.coli colonies decreases from 180,000 to 1,040 colonies.

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How to Cite
K. Tonmitr, K. T., A. Suksri, A. S., A. Kaewrawang, A. K., & W. Tonmitr, W. T. (2013). The Control of E.coli Colony by Using Various Electric Field. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 33(6), 599–612. retrieved from