Multi-objective balancing on mixed-model two-sided assembly lines under a learning effect

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Ueamporn Jansaem
Parames Chutima


AbstractSolving mixed model two-side assembly lines under a learning effect problem to achieve multi-objective functionsaims at highest effectiveness of assembly lines. This type of problem is known to be NP-hard. A Biogeographybasedoptimization (BBO) is applied as a method for solving this problem. The result shows that BBO outperformsthe other existing well-known algorithms, namely NSGA-II and DPSO in term of Convergence to the ParetooptimalSet and True-Pareto optimal Set.

Keywords : Biogeography-based optimization, Line balancing, Mixed-model two-sided assembly line,Multi-objective functions, Learning effect

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How to Cite
Jansaem, U., & Chutima, P. (2013). Multi-objective balancing on mixed-model two-sided assembly lines under a learning effect. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 39(3), 267–280. retrieved from