Critical Buckling Moment of PFRP Simple C-Channel Beam under the Uncertainty of Strength of Materials

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Chongsin Sookoomjariyapong
Sanguan Vongchavalitkul


This study proposed the analytic results of the properties of the pultruded fiber reinforced plastic (PFRP) simplechannel beam. The dimensions of the beam specimens which were manufactured in Thailand were 152 x 43 x 10mm. The analysis emphasized on the uncertainty of some material properties that were the modulus of elasticityin bending and shear modulus of elasticity. These material properties were applied to calculate the statistical properties of the critical buckling moment of each beam length. The analysis based on the Monte Carlo SimulationMethod (MCSM). The results from this study revealed that the distribution of modulus of elasticity in bendingpresented in the form of lognormal distribution which had the mean of 30.85 GPa and the coefficient of variant11.30% and the distribution of shear modulus of elasticity presented in the form of maximum extreme valuedistribution which had the mean of 2.34 GPa and the coefficient of variant 51.01%. Similarly, the distribution of thecritical buckling moment of the beam length from 3.70 m to 4.20 m trended to be Lognormal distribution but thedistribution of the beam length from 4.50 m to 5.00 m trended to be Normal distribution. As above mentioned, theanalysis results can be used as the data to evaluate the structural reliability in form of the probability of failure ofstructure which made from the pultruded fiber reinforced plastic.

Keywords : Pultruded fiber reinforced plastic, Modulus of elasticity in bending, Shear modulus of elasticity, Criticalbuckling moment, Monte carlo simulation method

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How to Cite
Sookoomjariyapong, C., & Vongchavalitkul, S. (2012). Critical Buckling Moment of PFRP Simple C-Channel Beam under the Uncertainty of Strength of Materials. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 39(4), 407–413. retrieved from