The selecting sugar cane plantation development system for harvesting by considering the accessing to the sugar cane plantation

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Noptada Chaibung
Kanchana Sethanan


The selecting plantation for harvesting sugar cane was managed ineffectively. It affected to agriculturists and theindustries to bear the cost of production and getting yield which are not as good as it should. Selecting sugarcane plantation for harvesting inside the area is the big complex problem. It has to be related with the amount ofthe industry’s demand, cane sugar value and the quantity from sugar cane harvested which can gain the yield ofsugar. If the selecting plantation for harvesting sugar cane and the sending yield to the industry are not goodenough, the agriculturists, sugar cane’s owners will not get the compensation good enough. In addition, theindustries will be able to get less sweetness and less sugar yield. The selecting plantation problem in nowadaysstill does not have the certain solution. This affects to the cane sugar and the quantity to be inappropriate.Consequently, it is the important point in developing the decision support system of selecting sugar cane plantation.It will help about planning for harvesting efficiently. The purposes are to get high yield of sugar from harvestplanning by considering the conditions, the quantity of sugar cane, cane sugar value, capacity of factory andaccessing to the sugar cane plantation area. Therefore, this research is about to develop heuristic algorithmmethod of selecting sugar cane plantation by designing the experiment to estimate the different percentage of2 main factors. These 2 main factors are the plantation number and the period of harvest planning. In each factorcan be divided into 2 levels by testing 10 times and then testing 2ฒ Factorial Design using SPSS program, 17.0version to analyze the statistical result. The differences between the heuristic algorithm of selecting sugar caneplantation and the heuristic of reference research will have the average equal to 6.086 percent, the lowest valueis equal to 3.578 and the highest value is equal to 9.093. The factors that can affect significantly to the responseare the plantation number and the period of harvest sugar cane planning in the confidence level of 95 percentbecause the significant P-Value is less than 0.05 and it can affect to the different percentages of heuristic algorithmand the heuristic of reference research.Keywords: Selecting plantation, Accessing

Keywords: Selecting plantation, Accessing to the area, Cane sugar value, Heuristic algorithm

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How to Cite
Chaibung, N., & Sethanan, K. (2012). The selecting sugar cane plantation development system for harvesting by considering the accessing to the sugar cane plantation. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 39(4), 375–382. retrieved from